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Should You Have Separate Social Media Accounts for Different Brands or Businesses?

Are you wondering whether or not you should have multiple social media accounts for your brands or businesses?

We hear this question often, and though it varies from person to person and business to business, there is ONE rule of thumb you should abide by...

>>Who's your dream customer?!<<

If you have one social media account where your followers can invest in multiple products, and you feel that both products would fit one dream customer, then it’s totally fine to intermingle both products on one account.

But if you are selling a product or service that doesn’t serve the same customer, it is vitally important to have two separate accounts, friend. 

If each of your brand’s prospective dream customers do not coincide, create two separate accounts so you can successfully speak to them.

Remember: the goal of your Instagram account(s) is to make your content feel tailor-made for your dream customer by highlighting their pressure points and desires.

Then, you can create solutions that are tailor-made for your brand’s dream customer using Social Curator resources! 

Wanna dig deeper? Download our FREE Ideal Client Workbook! This workbook will not only help you identify them, but walk you through how to engage with and market to your dream customer, too! Click >>HERE<< to download it now.

J* + The Social Curator Team


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