On the Blog

Are You Making These Social Media Mistakes?

Here's something we hear all the time: “Social media just doesn’t work for me.”

Ummm.... newsflash:

>>Social media is not supposed to be effortless, and it certainly isn’t going to hand you success without the hard work that should precede it!<<

If you think social media isn’t for you, here are 7 tactics that are not working for you.

No Posts

Ok, first and foremost, how can you complain that social media isn’t generating business for you when you aren’t posting? (You can’t!)

Social media is an incredible marketing opportunity and your posts are free billboards that you can leverage to build the know, like, and trust factor with those who see it.

Post, and post consistently. It’s as simple as that!

No Caption Strategy

Buttercup, it isn’t enough to simply post.

>>You need to serve your audience with posts that are entertaining, educational, and empowering.<<

There are 3 elements that every social media caption should include and they are: 

  • Hook
  • Insights
  • Call to action

Click >>HERE<< to read our blog post about this proven formula that will never lead you astray!

No Visual Variety

In addition to your written caption, you can also approach the visuals you share with a strategy. If you find yourself only posting pictures of your morning cup of coffee or your dog, it’s time to mix it up!

That’s not to say that you shouldn’t include those things on your feed. Instead, diversify the visuals you share to be more appealing and offer greater interest.

No Hashtag Strategy

As you prepare your post, you also need to consider how you’ll get eyes on it.

Statistically speaking, only 2-4% of your audience will likely see any piece of content you create, but hashtags are a great way to increase your reach when you use the proper strategy.

But... you still need killer content in order to garner engagement. When you pair the two together successfully, it’s a match made in heaven!

No Boss Bio

It’s no secret that the attention span of humans is decreasing at a rapid rate.

With approximately 3 seconds to pull someone into your profile when they visit it, it’s paramount that it showcases what you do, who you serve, and the value you offer in a way that is simple and easy to understand.

Click >>HERE<< to download our free guide on the 5 things that need to be in EVERY business owner bio!

No Personality

You are the only truly unique thing about your business.

When there are hundreds, thousands, even millions of people in every industry, your clients and customers will resonate with you because of your special perspective, insights, stories, and overall vibe.

Consider this your official invitation to let your colors show and be your authentic self on social media!

No Real Engagement

Social media was created to be social.

If you are not spending time engaging with your comments and messages, how 

can you expect people to continue interacting with your content… let alone hand over their credit card information!?

There you have it, friend.

Now be honest: Are you partaking in any of these social media no-no’s?

*It’s okay, we all make mistakes!*

It’s time for you to commit TODAY to posting consistently, developing a caption and hashtag strategy, engaging with your audience, and showing up as your authentic self.

Remember: we’ll be with you every step of the way!

J* + The Social Curator Team


In our 7 Day Content Planner, you’ll learn how to plan a week’s worth of social media posts in one sitting, PLUS you’ll receive 7 customizable caption templates designed to get people talking back to you!


Enter your info below for instant access to your 7 Day Content Planner


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