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How to Self-Audit Your Instagram Account

We often hear entrepreneurs say that they’re not posting on Instagram because they’re worried about not getting likes or wonder what people will say about their content… And we’re like, STOP THINKING + START DOING.

Now, of course, it’s *easier* to DO the work when you have a clear plan to show up and when you feel confident in your content.

That’s why in this post, we're going to lay out a plan for you that will not only boost your confidence but *also* increase your sales!

You need to self-audit your Instagram account and make big changes, Hustler.

  • The magic comes from action, not thought.
  • It’s time for you to take control and get your account seen.
  • Hold your head high, stop thinking, and do the work.

So friend, we have an important question for you: Are you ready for a Social Media Makeover?

*Head to toe, the kind of makeover that would make the Fab 5 from Queer Eye proud?*

This post is going to teach you step-by-step how to audit your own Instagram account to get more followers, more engagement, and more customers.

Ready? Let’s dive in!

1. Your Profile Photo

Your profile photo is a calling card, a relatively easy way to connect with prospective clients.

>>Your goal as a business owner is to build trust with your followers so they feel comfortable becoming a customer.<<

To build trust, your profile photo should contain an up-close and personal, brightly lit photo of Y-O-U! *And make sure to wear that beautiful smile of yours!*

2. Your Bio

Priming your audience for sales happens the moment they land on your account, and in order to do that, your Instagram bio needs 5 key components. Let’s break it down!

  1. Your Title: How do you want people to describe you?
  2. Your Value: What benefits do you bring to the table?
  3. Your Audience: Who do you serve?
  4. Your Contact Information: How can people contact you?
  5. Your Free Gift: What is an opt-in that prospective followers *and potential customers* NEED?

3. Your Posts

One thing we’ve learned how to do over the years is really pay attention to what our audience wants: 

>>Your followers tell you what content they want to see...if you’re receptive and listening.<<

To make sure you are creating content with strategy so it resonates with your audience, test out posts with various caption categories (what you talk about) and photo topics (images that showcase your life and/or business)

Post a variety of content on different days at different times. Pay attention to what performs well and drives engagement from your audience and be open to changing what doesn’t.

So friend, those were the three steps you can take to self-audit your Instagram account.

Ready to dig even DEEPER? Then you need our free workbook, 3 Steps to Self-Audit Your Instagram Account! Click >>HERE<< to download the workbook *complete with an easy, peasy checklist!* You won’t even be able to recognize your Instagram account after completing this workbook.

J* + The Social Curator Team


In our 7 Day Content Planner, you’ll learn how to plan a week’s worth of social media posts in one sitting, PLUS you’ll receive 7 customizable caption templates designed to get people talking back to you!


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