On the Blog

7 Ways to Come Up with Content Ideas

Struggling to come up with content ideas?

We’ve been there, friend.

Whether it’s a blog post, email, social media post, video, podcast episode or anything else, one of the most difficult things for business owners in this day and age is creating content, content, and more content.

>>Of course, Social Curator caption templates are probably the easiest way to come up with content ideas.<<

However, since the last time we gave you our favorite content creation hack was such a big hit (you can check that out here!), we decided to give you even more tips for coming up with content ideas to market your business.

Ready for our secret to being content creation machines?!

Ask yourself this list of questions to help you create content that attracts more customers:

1. Can I create a step-by-step or how-to post to simplify a complex question?

“How To’s” are always some of our highest-performing posts. These tutorials give you an opportunity to establish yourself as an expert in your industry, and serve your Ideal Client with something relevant, useful, and valuable!

2. What are my Ideal Client’s commonly asked questions related to my business?

Answering an FAQ is always one of our go-to pieces of content, no matter what the platform. The best part is that they serve as great resources for your potential customers! We recommend answering FAQ’s in blog posts (like the one you’re reading), then shorten it for social media posts (like we shortened this post here!).

3. What is my Ideal Client searching for?

When you know the answer to this question, creating content gets a whole lot easier. If you are a lactation consultant and know your Ideal Client is searching for breastfeeding advice as a new mom, you can provide educational materials that may help her on her journey… and lead her directly to your services, too!

4. What is a situation that empowered me to become the person I am today?

Storytelling is one of the most powerful and compelling writing tools. Consider this question as a writing prompt to tell a story that led you to where you are today… This will likely lead to your readers seeing your heart, liking you, and trusting you!

5. What is my specialty and how do I do it differently than others?

We know, we know… it’s hard to showcase your expertise and write, record, and speak about what makes you unique. But we have news for you: if you don’t talk about your business, no one else will! Don’t be afraid to create content about what makes you different, because that is what leads to sales.

6. What is something I wanted to know early in my business, but couldn’t find the answer to?

Oooooh, this question has led to a lot of juicy content for the Social Curator Team! If you can answer a question your Ideal Client is asking that no one else in your industry is answering, you’ve struck content-creation gold, friend.

7. What am I complimented on the most and why is it important to me?

Just like question #6, we know it’s hard to brag about yourself… Which is why this question prompts you to showcase someone else bragging about you! Share a compliment, quote, or testimonial you’ve recently received and share why it touched you.

So there you have it!

Your answers to these questions are bound to produce a GOLD MINE of content ideas. 

>>Just remember: the most valuable market you can invest in is yourself.<<

So show off your unique perspective and share what makes your business the perfect fit for current and prospective customers!

Speaking of prospective customers… Do you know exactly who your Ideal Client is?! Use this Ideal Client Workbook to create that clarity and dial in all the details about them. Download it >>HERE<< and then go out and hook ‘em on social media!

J* + The Social Curator Team


In our 7 Day Content Planner, you’ll learn how to plan a week’s worth of social media posts in one sitting, PLUS you’ll receive 7 customizable caption templates designed to get people talking back to you!


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